5 Most Powerful Winning Characters in Tekken-7.

Ahmad Zia
3 min readJun 21, 2021


Looking for the best game in the fighting genre? Ask the gaming community and you’ll mostly get this answer, “TEKKEN”. Fighting game players love this game. Knee, JDCR, Ulsan, Chikurin are famous Tekken players having won many tournaments and, of course, dollars.

If you’re thinking of starting this game and becoming a pro, here are the five most powerful characters that can boost your game. Getting Expertise with these players will result in winning tournaments and making you rich.


Leroy’s move set has flurries of punches and fast strikes. It provides him with varied counter tools and effectiveness. It holds a dominant parry game, making him a deadly opponent. Leroy’s fighting style is created around defensive counters to opponents’ advances. When combined with straight-forward execution of the move set, all these strengths and power him a beginner-friendly character and a simple pick to start.

Geese Howard

Geese Howard, his gameplay is a merger of his nightmare and normal forms. He is the only character in Tekken-7 having two Rage Arts. He is among the very few in the series who can grab grounded opponents. Geese’s low kick is different from most characters. His low kick has more range than the standard low kick. He can counter irreversible attacks. His reversal does have a kind of complex input than other characters.


Akuma a.k.a Gouki (Great Devil), originally from street fighter, is considered the most powerful character in Tekken-7. Its fighting style is known as Ansatsulen meaning using any style to end an opponent’s life. His trademark attacks include the Gohadoken, the Goshoryuken, and the Tatsumaki Zankukyaku.

He doesn’t possess a raging drive, instead, he is governed by a bar. The bar is spotted at the bottom of the screen. It can be used to enhance its moves. His super combo is so powerful that it drains all the full bar.


Jin is one of the most recognizable characters in the Tekken series. It doesn’t have powerful single moves. It lacks sheer damage but makes it up in his poking game. Jins’s has sneaky stance transitions, evasive maneuvers and brilliant counter ability. Jin has an exclusive parry that permits him to circumnavigate some game mechanics. It’s pretty hard to apply but very advantageous.

He possesses rage art that makes him stun the opponent with a high crushing punch. Afterward, outbreak his opponent with several jabs. It ultimately knocks the opponent out with a devastating straight thrust on the face.


Paul Phoenix epitome of strong offense, barbarous force, and aggression. Paul’s fighting style is based upon Judo. He showcases raw power punches with attacks like a burning fist, hammer punch, and hammer of Gods.

His attacks can make any defense crumble. Paul’s wall combos and juggles are very damaging. It’s not only about his offense, he’s good with his guard as well. Successful parries will result in attacking the opponent. His moves allow him to move forward and backward, which can be utilized to deceive an attack and make its opponent pay.



Ahmad Zia

An Academic Scholar, A Lecturer, A Banker and now turning myself to my soul “Content Writing”