5 ways to triumph over depression

Ahmad Zia
3 min readMay 29, 2021


Ever felt a loss of interest in life? Have you ever felt completely hopeless? Crankiness, eating disorders, stress, or different body aches which do not go away. Ever went through the extreme situation of suicidal thoughts. Then you might be suffering from depression.

Back in 1997, World Health Organization (WHO) considered depression to be the second-highest cause of disability in the world. Alarming isn’t it? This view was reinforced in the year 2007 by WHO. From family, personal health, day-to-day activities, and quality of life everything gets affected by this silent curse.

Statistics show that during the period from 2013 to 2016 around 31.5 % of men having depression experienced difficulties with home, social activities, and work. But there is a cure for every illness.

Following briefly mentioned remedies can help you sort out yourself and nib it in the bud before seeking medical advice.

Pick yourself up

Remember, who saved Harry from the death eaters? In the book, Prisoner of the Azkaban, no one else but Harry himself. You don’t require wings to lift yourself, it’s your inner self, your soul does the needful. Motivate yourself and pick up yourself every single day to save the most important life in the world which is yours. No one better than yourself can understand you better. Accompany yourself like a friend, best friend.

Knock the door of spirituality

Easy daily practices like medication can help boost your mood and complete well-being. Researches highlight that various types of mindfulness meditative practice can also be effective in treating depression.


A healthy body contains a healthy mind, we have been listening to it since our childhood.

Exercise helps treat depression. Doing exercise in moderation will help you reduce your anxiety and will help in combating depression. Regular physical activity not only treats depression but also helps in its prevention.

As depression exhibits low energy moods, you can start this routine by reverting to the first point mentioned in this article. Buck up yourself, take small starts, remind benefits to yourself. Ask your loved ones to accompany you in this effort.

Statistics show that in 2013, out of the total respondents in the survey, 7 % mentioned that they meditate or do yoga for stress reliving and 70% said that it was beneficial.

Eat Right

Who doesn’t love food? Pick foods in your daily routine that counters depression symptoms. One must have foods having the following antidepressant nutrients:

  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc.

Build a Routine

From waking up in the morning to going to bed, make a routine for yourself. Make a schedule and assign tasks/activities for yourself. Create a work-life balance and focus on it. Making a schedule will help you, keeping yourself busy and effective. It will make you look forward to the upcoming activity every single time.


Recognizing depression in the start and taking up a stand against it, will scrub it in the very beginning before it takes a toll upon you. Remember, it’s you who is going to come out winning from it and none other.



Ahmad Zia

An Academic Scholar, A Lecturer, A Banker and now turning myself to my soul “Content Writing”